35th Annual General Meeting

Notice is hereby given that the 35th Annual General Meeting of Hospice Malta will be held at St Michael Hospice, Adelaide Cini Street, St. Venera (enter from Markiz John Scicluna Street) on Monday 17th June 2024 at 6:30pm.

Members are kindly requested to advise Hospice Administration of their intention to attend the Meeting by not later than 10th June 2024, on telephone number 21440085 or by sending an email to info@hospicemalta.org

The Agenda is as follows:

1) Reading and approval of Minutes of the 34th Annual General Meeting
2) Chairperson’s address
3) CEO’s report
4) Financial report by the Treasurer
5) Election of Members to the Board of Governors for 2024/26
6) Appointment of auditors for year 2024
7) Resolution for change of Main Office address
8) Closing Address by the Chairperson

To ensure the smooth running of the meeting, guests are kindly required to be seated by 6:20pm.