In the intricate tapestry of life, the passage through illness and the end of life can be a journey laden with complexities and challenges. Yet, within these trials lies an avenue of solace and support, where compassion weaves its threads into every step. Hospice Malta stands as a beacon of hope, offering patient-centered palliative care, guiding individuals and families through...
Palliative care is holistic practical support provided by Hospice Malta. Ruth gives a practical example of what kind of help we provide. “When we first met a relatively young female patient who also had a young family with children, she could barely walk she was in so much pain. She was unable to truly live her live and function as a...
No one could have ever foreseen what was to happen when the first Covid cases broke out in Asia. It was far away from home; it couldn’t possibly change our way of life in any way. No one could have ever foreseen the immense tragedy that followed, the suffering, the helplessness, the grief, the loss and yet there was always hope...
Gloria Spiteri, Hospice Social Worker, tispjega l-importanza tal-bereavement support. Hospice Malta qeda toffri dan is-servizz tal-bereavement support lill-familji tal-vittmi kollha tal-COVID-19. L-NGO tgħaraf id-diffikultajiet u l-uġigħ ta’ bosta familji li tilfu l-maħbubin tagħhom minħabba l-pandemija COVID-19; u li ħafna minnhom ma setgħux lanqas jgħidu l-aħħar tislima tagħhom. ...
Arianna Cutajar, Hospice Physiotherapist, shares some tips on how to exercise at home. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we all might be a little more sedentary than usual, and this can have a negative impact on our bodies and health. ...
Mark Piscopo, Hospice Psychologist, explains how mindfulness can help us feel a little less overwhelmed and anxious. Watch Mark as he explains techniques that we can all practice in the comfort of our home. ...
Peter talks about his experiences with Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and his new book entitled “Xi Hadd Hemm Fuq Ihobbni” ...
Hospice Psychologist, Mark Piscopo, talks about the role of a psychologist with Hospice Malta, working with patients and their families. Mark also plays a role in assisting our own team members in their work. ...
Valerie, Mireille and Marco interview Hospice CRO Andrew Zammit on the popular TV show “Kikkra Te” on NET TV ...