For Patients


Hospice Malta is an NGO (VO/0062) providing free of charge patient-centered palliative care for patients suffering from cancer, motor neuron disease and other serious illnesses including cardiac, respiratory, renal and liver diseases. The services target the relief of pain and other physical symptoms, as well as emotional, psycho-social, and spiritual issues.

Hospice also supports the patients’ families. Bereavement support is also an integral part of the care provided. The multidisciplinary approach to co-ordination of care assists patients and families in understanding and regaining control over their care and in receiving further care in the setting most appropriate to their needs and resources, be it at home, hospital or nursing home.


As defined by the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) in 2002, palliative care ‘is an approach that improves the quality of life of patients and their families facing the problem associated with life-threatening illness, through the prevention and relief of suffering by means of early identification and impeccable assessment and treatment of pain and other physical symptoms, together with psycho-social and spiritual problems.’

The raison d’etre of Hospice Malta is guided by the philosophy and principles of palliative care as expounded by the WHO. These include the provision of palliative care which is intended to:

  • provide relief from pain and other distressing symptoms
  • affirm life and regards dying as a normal process
  • neither to hasten or postpone death
  • integrate the psychological and spiritual aspects of patient care
  • offer a support system to help patients live as actively as possible until death
  • offer a support system to help the family cope during the patients illness and in their own bereavement
  • use a team approach to address the needs of patients and their families, including bereavement counselling, if indicated
  • enhance quality of life, and may also positively influence the course of illness
  • be applicable early in the course of illness, in conjunction with other therapies that are intended to prolong life, such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy, and includes those investigations needed to better understand and manage distressing clinical complications.

The application of such principles in practice calls for an investigation of all the possible clinical pathways with an analysis focusing on the patient and the various needs he/she will encounter, it being at an in-patient or community level.



Hospice Malta’s multidisciplinary professional team performs assessments and follow up visits to give the necessary support and advice to patients and their family. Professionals include doctors, nurses, psychologist, social workers, complementary therapist, physiotherapist as well as Hospice’s Spiritual Director.


Located within Hospice Malta premises, staff and volunteers at the Day Therapy Unit offer various activities for patients who visit for a morning. This also acts as a form of respite, allowing relatives of patients to leave their loved ones in a safe and secure environment for a short period of time. Various therapies are also carried out during these sessions.


Group and individual physiotherapy is carried out in the pool, allowing for patients to carry out some passive physical exercises, apart from acting as respite for their relatives.


Care is delivered at the patient’s home to support and offer respite to the family. As of 2015, this service has been extended (according to established admission criteria) to support patients and relatives during the following situations – an emergency crisis situation such as hospitalisation of main carer and at the very end stages of life. In such cases, the service is provided for one week followed by a review. This has already proven to be a very important service enabling patients to remain in their own home (and in turn reducing the need to use government hospital services) as well as enabling patients to be discharged from hospital earlier as the needed support is provided at their own home.


Delivered through special vans for wheelchair mobile patients and volunteer drivers with their private cars. One van is used solely for transporting of oncology hospital patients. More than 200 patients make use of this service every year.


This essential service enables patients living in their own home to be cared for with dignity and with as much independence as possible. Equipment ranges from walking sticks to electric beds and syringe drivers and is given to the patients following a detailed assessment of their needs.


Our support allows for follow up on Hospice Malta patients, as well as support in devising discharge plans within the hospital and referrals of new patients.


This formal and detailed programme for children of patients and main carers is offered during the summer holidays for 10 weeks and involves different activities, games and outings as well as the socio-emotional help that could be required.


Continuation of service after office hours is provided through a telephone support line to patients and their families after hours till 10.30pm and all day (till 10.30pm) during weekends and public holidays. Sponsored by Social Impact Award.

On-Call Number: 79 22 88 22


As of 2015, the services of a psychologist are being offered to Hospice registered patients. Individual and group sessions are delivered by Hospice Malta’s psychologist according to patients’ needs.


Targeting the psycho-social and emotional aspect, this is another important service enabling holistic care. Bereavement support is given to relatives and significant others through memorial service, one to one bereavement sessions as well as structured bereavement support groups. Apart from delivering the latter mentioned groups to relatives of Hospice Malta’s registered patients, during the past year this service was also extended in the community through the various local parishes.


Procedure to refer a patient to Hospice

  1. Download the Referral Form and send to us by email ( or post, or complete the form online as per below. You can also collect the form from Hospice Malta premises.
  2. The form has to be filled in and signed by a medical doctor and sent back to Hospice Malta.
  3. A Hospice Malta representative will contact you within 24 working hours.
  4. An explanation and advice will be given regarding our services during our first phone call.
  5. The Hospice Malta nurse will then follow up with a home visit usually within 5 working days following the first call.

Need help?

If you need any help or assistance with the Referral Form do not hesitate to contact us:
Tel: (+356) 21 440 085 | Email: