Chairperson I would like to express my appreciation, gratitude and respect to my colleagues on the Board, to members of staff, volunteers and the numerous benefactors to the cause of Hospice. The tireless efforts of so many individuals over the years have made it possible to afford the best palliative care to so many patients in the community.

Our sight is now set even further – to realize the long standing dream of having an inpatient unit within a modern, state of the art Hospice complex.

We look forward in the very near future to the signing of an agreement with local Church Authorities on a property from where Hospice will be in charge of running all operations. This would be the startup of an ambitious project for Hospice – one which would see a big change in the operations of Hospice in that there will be a more holistic approach to palliative care through both in house and community services.

We all appreciate that such an ambitious project with far reaching ideals depends heavily on a robust financial backing to be seen through and cannot be achieved without serious commitment of so many stakeholders.

Our trust lies in the many positive and generous responses we have had throughout our 28 years of operations; our confidence comes from the commitment of the many human hearts in the face of adversity affecting our patients and their families.