The Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector notifies that ‘Hospice Malta’ is requesting the call for tender
Project Reference VOPS A01.14.2023

‘Hospice Malta’ needs a hybrid vehicle, as part of the VOPS A01.14.2023 “Hospice Community Services”

Prospective bidders are invited to contact us for specification on
Deadline for submissions – 24th February 2023

“This project has been funded through the Voluntary Organisations Project Scheme managed by the Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector supported by the Ministry for Inclusion, Voluntary Organisations and Consumer Rights”


Il-Kunsill Malti għas-Settur tal-Volontarjat jgħarraf li ‘Hospice Malta’ qiegħda tħabbar publikazzjoni għall-sejħa għall-tender
Referenza tal-Proġett VOPS A01.14.2023

‘Hospice Malta’ teħtieġ vettura ibrida, bħala parti mill-VOPS A01.14.2023 “Hospice Servizz Fil-Komunita”

Dawk interessati huma mistednin jkkuntattjana għal l-ispeċifikazzjoni fuq
It-tender tagħlaq – 24 ta Frar 2023

“Dan il-proġett ġie ffinanzjat permezz taI-Voluntary Organisations Project Scheme amministrat mill-Kunsill Malti għas-Settur tal-Volontarjat f’isem il-Ministeru Ghall-Inkluzjoni, Il-Volontarjat u D-Drittijiet Tal-Konsumatur”