• To provide, within the  Maltese Islands, in such ways as the  Association shall   from   time   to   time   think   fit,   palliative   care    for   people   with progressive life limiting diseases;
  • To support and  care  for the  families and  carers of patients and  of the bereaved;
  • To  ensure compassionate  care   and   support  throughout the  patient’s illness,  recognising  individual  choices  and   respecting  the   patient’s dignity;
  • To create a therapeutic  environment  that  is calm,  relaxing and  friendly, and  which  provides  patients  and   their  families  comfort,  privacy  and ensures dignity;
  • To respect the individuality  of  each  patient and   offer  an   environment which respects the freedom to express and  practice religious, spiritual, philosophical and  cultural beliefs;
  • To  provide and  facilitate education and  training for  professionals and volunteers engaged in providing palliative care  in Malta;
  • To   increase  awareness   among  the   general  public  of  the   values, principles and practice of hospice and palliative care.